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Soul-Led Nervous System Reset - 6 months change

Just BEING is easier said than done. Our nervous system is wired for survival and belonging, and these instincts arise when we start to slow down. This program is designed to tonify and soothe the habitual responses that show up when we make changes in life. You will receive soul-led channeled information and healing energy plus practical tools and practices specific to you in each session. This program includes 22 private sessions and access to Katie for 6 months.  You will be amazed at how your everyday experience of being you becomes more easeful, awake and yummy.   Schedule a Free Call to see if this program is a good fit for you

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  • Group Sessions

    • Private Sessions

      • 1 Hour Energy Session- phone
        Personalized evolutionary support complete with channeled energy specific to your Being.  
        $222. Sliding Scale Pay-from-the-heart option $144 - $444 per session. 
      • Masterful Alignment sessions
        20 min session. Available only to established clients, and with Katie's approval. $75
    • Packages

    • Free

    • Programs

Staff: Katie Todd